- Low energy consumption
- Small footprint
- Silent operation
- Advanced communication
The Digital Living market is becoming more and more important, covering the market sector that includes professionals, small businesses and freelance professionals working from home. No less important are domestic consumers, which with the rise of entertainment devices and media centres requiring ever higher quality power supply and protection from interference and black-outs.
Low energy consumption
Reducing energy consumption has become a necessity as well as an environmental obligation. It is therefore essential to choose UPS that employ green technology such as those made by Riello UPS, designed to achieve the best energy efficiency and lowest environmental impact, whilst still providing the best possible performance.
Small footprint
The small footprint of Riello's UPS allow them to be easily installed anywhere in the office work space, without creating any interference with customer areas. Rack versions are also available.
Silent operation
In the workplace and above all in the home, the silent operation of equipment is very important. This is why our UPS are equipped with a sophisticated microprocessor control system able to reduce the speed of the fans and switch them off when not required. The entire offline range offers fully noiseless operation (a noise level of 0 dBA ) thanks to the employment of high frequency components and the absence of moving parts.
Advanced communication
Riello UPS's UPS are equipped with USB and RS232 communication ports, allowing for full management of and communication with the UPS to preserve data and make your IT systems secure. UPS with LI and OL technology are also equipped with expansion slots to house the various different communication options offered by Riello UPS.